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Jameson's Ultra Blend

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      Bob On the Cat Line in Kansas......
      Ordering Info:
  Please provide a      physical UPS or      USPS delivery        address. 
Circa 1975

 We do not ship to Canada or out of the U.S. States.

Attention  !!

The Mole Tunnel Pilot is  now available.

Click on the MTP name for complete product info.
                     Trapline proven Baits, Lures and Urines. 
  Serving Trappers and the Wildlife Control Industry nearly 50 years.

MMO / Mouse Musk Oil    
Available in 4 oz., 8 oz. and 16 oz.   Selling Fast

 Use MMO as a stand alone attractor at your set. Or, you can spike the set by adding just a few drops of good meat fed urine. When
 you need to go all natural with your bait selection Mouse Musk Oil can help you take out those older seasoned predators.

This musky odor acts like a suspicion remover. It doesn't cause those red flags of caution that can put them on their guard. Sometimes the skunky big odor approach just doesn't cut it. Some of the older, experienced dogs get wise after a while. Particularly the older females. Some will just keep walking on bye your sets, never breaking stride to check out your set. Did you ever have that happen? 

We should call it the sleeper bait because it doesn't trigger anything but a normal day on the road for them while looking for a snack. 
XXX Matrix         K-9 Stopper            Urines
     Baits                    Baits              Pro Grade

 Each bottle comes with a handy small dowel stick shown in the far-right photo. This is to use as a clean out for the applicator spout. The emulsified material will occasionally plug the spout. These tiny solids are an important part of the primary mouse odor and aid in holding the scent much longer at the set. MMO is made from whole pureed mice so this can be expected. "Shake Well"   between uses. Separation will occur if the bottle sits for a while. 
  Note: A small piece of trapper wire or toothpick will work well also for a spout clean out if needed. I just wrap a wide gum band around the bottle a couple times and carry the clean out stick or wire with the bottle. Easy Peezy  

  You can't over applicate MMO. More just gives a larger odor footprint if that is your purpose for that particular set.                 Instead of signaling the presence of a single mouse the larger odor footprint indicates a nest site.
Place Orders Online
​     Under $40.00  >   $10.95
$41.00 > $75.00   >   $13.95
$76.00 >$100.00  >   $16.95
$101   > $135.00  >   $19.95
$136   >     Up      >    $24.95

 These rates are based on   shipments under 25#. Bulk   weight orders over 25# will   be billed actual costs. Call   for bulk weight order quote.

  <           " Jackpot " 
        " A Predator Trappers Dream Lure "
  Coyote, Cats, Wolf, Coon, Fisher
Jackpot and Jackpot SK
Selling Fast

   Dried Beaver Castor   No Shells or liquid in pods. We pay shipping over 5#.                                    $30.00 #  
   Bobcat Glands Anal with 4" > 6" colon, reproductive tract, bladder, shoulder & hock glands.      $250.00 Gal.
   Rat Glands       Spring rat glands only.                                                                                                 $80.00 Qt.
    ​Beaver Sac Oil                                                                                                                                          $ 2.50 oz.
    Beaver Oil Sacs Full   ( Dried )                                                                                                                $ 7.00 #
    Fresh Frozen mice/voles only, fully packed volume                                                                             $60.00 Gal.
    Otter Glands                                                                                                                                              $65.00 Gal.
​                                              We pay shipping on glands valued over $120.00.

Hair/feces/membrane must be trimmed and well handled for quoted prices. Contact us prior to shipment as to quantity and type of glands. Containers must be plastic. Drain any urine from the bladders and place in a separate sealed / taped container. Call before shipping.

  Volume is based on weight and thawed glands only. Do not ship frozen glands until the volume has been determined by thawing the glands first then frozen again prior to shipment.

  Filler parts / excess tissue and liquid will be removed and deducted from the quoted volume pricing. 
                 Bio Banish & Bio Eviction Scent.
 This scent is formulated for a specific use. It is applied when you    need to cause a female raccoon to move her litter from an attic      or inaccessable area of a structure. Typically the Spring of the        year in most cases.