Fox - Coyote - Cat - Fisher - Marten
Ultra Call L.D.C.(Long Distance Predator Call) Skunk and Civet musk is the obvious carrier but "Ultra Call L.D.C." has five other food and curiosity agents. These serve to make this predator call a true blended scent. Unlike some L.D.C. lures that are primarily skunk essence in a grease base. This multi-level blend makes "Ultra Call" effective in the fall as well as in late winter. The underlying food and curiosity odors make all the difference. Use directly at the set or elevated to increase the downwind calling potential. The base holds all the blended odors in tune together very nicely. Deadly on canines, cats and fisher when the condition get rough.
Magnum Cat L.D.C. (Long Distance Cat Call) A good blend of slightly aged reproductive cat glands", strong bobcat urine and a slight spike of skunk. "Magnum Cat L.D.C." is a solid first-class lure that has a strong presence at a set. This heavy lure can be used directly at the set or up high (on a tree limb, post, rimrock, etc.) to increase its down range calling range. Cats will rub this scent if applied in such a way as to allow it. Fox and coyotes really dig up hole sets where Magnum Cat L.D.C. has been used. This one has become one of our best selling cat lures. It holds very well in cold temps and leaves a good residual presence long after its application which makes it an exceptional lure choice for cold weather use.

One important factor that I have noticed over the years while cat trapping is that many cats are caught out of curiosity and greed rather than their need to fill their stomachs. This has been determined by examining the stomach contents and the volume of food found after skinning. Most cats I have examined had full stomachs at the time of capture. I also feel many other predators are caught due to their curiosity level as well.
Most predators are opportunistic by nature.
Therefore, it would stand to reason that a multi ingredient lure or product will in many cases out perform a single element product in its attraction to an animal.
Cats are an extremely efficient and alert sight/sound hunters. But I also know cats respond extremely well to scent stimuli. Understanding this trait will make us all better cat trappers. Scent use increases visitation potential to blind trail set areas also when well positioned wind assisted lure applications can be used to your advantage.