The late Dave DeBarber was a master wildlife control specialist from Derby Connecticut. I have had the pleasure of working with Dave on several occasions while visiting Connecticut. Even at age 60, I would still put his skills against anyone's. Dave really liked our Grubstake Bait and Skunk Mate L.T.S. lure. CT. I miss my old friend.
Ed Ritsko of Pennsylvania in his younger days / currently residing in Tennessee. He is shown with a fine catch of mixed fur. Ed has been using our lures and baits for many years. He knows how to lay down the steel and pile them up. Ed is a pilot and runs a HVAC business. Raising a family keeps him busy as we all know.
Thanks for the great products they are tops in the field. Best days catch of seven hogs using your Formula 1 & 2 baits and lures. The Chuck Matrix L.T.S. lure did a great job as well.

Gorge McEntee, ADC Trapper
Darrell Holiday with sons Zackary and Zane of Petersburg, Illinois. A nice catch of coon and coyotes taken on "Ultra Blend" products. Darrell also likes our "Trophy Hunter" buck lures. Illinois
A big dog coyote fell victim to Prairie King and Night Stalker bait. Mike Page of New Hampshire caught this digger Arkansas yote with good methods and lure. Mike really likes snaring now!!
My granddaughter Jessica with her first muskrat catches and my trapline dog, Max. Seven Creeks and Rat Mate lures did the job for Jessie.
Matt DeBarber of Derby, Connecticut, owner of Pace Wildlife Solutions says that our Formula One & Two woodchuck bait and L.T.S. lure gets the job done fast. Matt says easy as one two three.His father Dave was a good friend and a master cage trapper for all species of nuisance wildlife.
Customer input is an essential part of any business.
All the pictures and testimonials we have received from our customers are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and keep them coming.
Call with Questions: 724.323.2000 Order online now
Here's a picture from our trip to Mississippi. The southern animals loved your scents too! With a little hard work thrown in along with the use of Ten Mile, Hot Shot, Ring Master, Peaches & Cream and Magnum Marsh Call, we accomplished this awesome catch. Thanks for the Great Products!
Dave Eckels, Dan Weiss, Don Henze and Phil Engel. (Phil is not pictured)
Bob, "What a day and what a season." The setting techniques you taught me and your Ultra Blend products made for a great season. Red Devil and K-9 Stopper did it best for me. The smile on my face says it all. Thanks! Timothy Weleski
This is a photo of my 2004 season catch of fox. Your gland lures and baits get the job done. Red Devil and Prairie King are the best gland lures out there.
Keep up the good work.
Terry Biondo, Sr., Mohnton, PA
13 day catch, fox, coon and coyote, using Longliner "Power Plus" bait, Terminator at dirt holes, Red Devil and Jameson's Red Fox Urine at scent post and flat sets. "Jameson's Ultra Blend lures and baits are some of the best products I've ever used. Great for beginners and veteran trappers". Tim Speck of Mt. Union, Central PA, 2004

The "Kansas Skunk Man" Mick Meyer shows a pile of fur caught (2007-2008) season with several of our products.The picture reveals why he is referred to as the KS Skunkman.Over 125 at last count. Fireball ADC bait did most all of the skunks, coon and opossum. XXX Matrix Predator bait, Shadow Stalker premium cat gland, Magnum Cat LDC, Prairie King coyote gland and Jameson's urines caught the coyotes and cats. This is only Micks first shipment of fur. He ships 2-3 times each season. The man knows how to get it done. Mick is a good trapper and a good friend.That sure is a dandy white skunk also. You don't see many of those.Great Job Mick and thanks for sharing with us all. Lincolnville, KS
Just wanted to drop you a note to tell you thanks again for making such fine products.As you may recall, I used several of your lures and baits throughout the summer and early fall when I was filming predators.I needed good documented material for my new Gray Fox Trapping DVD and book.
I used a variety of homemade and other commercial products when filming my mock set locations.By doing this I was able to observe the reactions of predators to all of these various lures and baits.After months of exhausting research and studying many, many film clips from the mock sets it became obvious that predators had certain preferences in the lures and baits.
For gray fox, the clear preference was your Fox Cream, and Lone Wolf.Not only did they attract fox on a consistent basis,but once at the set the fox showed a more intense reaction to these two lures than any of the other lures I experimented with.The same goes for your XXX Matrix Bait. Although they had some interest in several baits they had a particular fondness for XXX. They always dug the bait out of the hole and actually ate the bait.... as opposed to merely rolling on it like other baits.
It goes without saying that once the fur season opened I made sure XXX Matrix bait, Fox Cream and Lone Wolf were in my trapping bucket. I attribute a high percentage of the fox I caught to these products. .. I haven't tried all of your products but I know that they would perform with the same results.
Thanks again for contributing significantly to my 2007/08 season's catch!!!
Tracy Truman, Las Vegas,NV
aka, Cameron2
Greg Garbarts 2007-2008 seasons catch.Just wanted to say thanks for the good products. I had not trapped since 1992. Alot of my canines were caught on your XXX Matrix predator bait, Fox Cream and Red Devil red fox gland lure.I like to support a local business and will continue to do so in the future. Buckyfox SW Pa.
Bob, Your lures and baits have helped make many trapping memorys over the years for my family and I, especially the Red Devil, Prairie King,Terminator,and XXX Matrix Bait.
The Midnight Raider helped me put more than a few coon on my boards also.
It is good to know that trappers can continue to count on your products being productive and consistant from season to season. The quality shows time and time again from all of the painstaking work you put into each and every bottle.
Too many people these days think that if you transfer some products from a few different bottles into one, it classifies them as a luremaker. You however have the knowledge and dedication to continue to produce the "real stuff"
Thank you Bob for such fine products.
Doug & Dean Bergman
I used your Trophy Hunter buck lure this fall with great results.I dont know what you use to make that stuff but it really does work.I took this trophy 10 point buck on a mock scrape using it. Oct.29, 2007 Wash. Co.Thanks for such a great product. I will be using it again next season for sure. By the way I use your trapping lures all the time. I got several coyotes and beaver on them over the years.
Dennis Sherman,
Sherm's Taxidermy Studio, Marianna, Pa.
Tim Speck, is a regular user of Jameson's lures and baits.This is some of his seasons catch for 2006 -07. Tim obviously knows the ropes and is a very good fur handler. He is very consistent year after year and he is featured in a previous testimonial and has been in our catalogs over the years. He can sure make a barn look good.!!!! . Pa.
Bob, your Red Devil red fox gland lure was an excellent lure on this falls fox line!!!! Thanks again for such a great lure and I'll be using more of it this coming season. That is certainly some beautiful country side and great red fox habitat. Dan Albright Pa
Bob, you have some great lure and bait. I have used a lot of stuff over the years but yours is some of the best out there. It sure helped me catch 125 reds in Pa this year. It works all over the country. Thanks, and see you at one of the shows this year. Terry Biondo, Sr. Pa
My name is Bill Morgan Jr, you know my dad Bill Sr. Here are just a few of a bunch of coyotes I caught on your Lone Wolf lure that I took from my dad. :) The coyotes that worked the sets blew them out like they used a backhoe. I really piled up the coyotes last winter and all were taken on your Lone Wolf. Thanks,you have some great products.
Bill Morgan, Jr. NC PA.
The smile on this mans face is what trapping is all about.Rege Denne is what we would call a late bloomer to the trapping field. But it goes to show you if there is an interest, success comes to those that apply themselves. Rege is a friend and I had the pleasure of spending some time with him this fall and winter in Kansas. He has come a long way from novice to experienced trapper. I dont want him trapping in my areas.. :)
This is Rege with his first cat catch. He caught this big tom with the first cat set he ever made on our first check on the line. Talk about good fortune.What a monster cat he got. Good methods and good attractors did the job. Congratulations Rege you did well. You can see his trap and wing flagging at the bottom right of the photo.This big cat was taken on the edge of a large brush pile. A great location for hunting cats to investigate.
By the way, Rege spent some early days on the trapline with me in late Nov. and he caught his first coyote also. Talk about good fortune. It was a beautiful black coyote as well. How lucky can one man be.
Rege is also the master fox trapper and snareman now.....
Rege the coyote trapper!!!!!! The man can do it all and he is on a roll. It took me many years to catch my first fox many years ago and another decade to catch my first coyote. This gentleman does it all in one fall/winter season.Fox, Coyote and Cat. Good job Rege I am proud of you. I would call that a grand slam.
Bottomline ( Rodney Stancils') Photo Album from N.C.
Hey Bob! Wanted to let you know that I was very happy with the results from your line of lures and baits this past season.They helped me to make a triple digit fox catch. "Ole Grey Master","Red Devil, and "XXX Matrix bait were my main producers on fox. I always had alot of confidence in my sets rain or shine when I used your lures and baits. Thanks for making such a quality product and taking such pride in what you do. Here are just a few pictures of part of my catch on Jameson's Ultra Blends scents.
Here is a dandy black coyote caught with Prairie King coyote gland lure on the backing with XXX Matrix bait down the hole.
As you can see I also did very well with your Ten Mile beaver lure. This was one nights catch out of 12 sets. That lure really got their attention.
Bob thanks alot for a top quality product. Please make more!!!
Rodney Stancil, (Bottomline) North Carolina
Bob here is the last 2 photos of my fur before going to sell. Thank you for your great products and helping me to have a great season. Rodney Stancil
Kevin Wells with 66 Bobcats and other mixed fur.
Here's a catch photo of my predators from January & February of 2008. There are 66 cats pictured and part of the canines I took after January 3rd, all caught on your products.
I have been using your products now exclusively, in conjunction with my collected urine, for over four years now. I have used your lures with confidence in OH, IL, KY, TN, KS & MS. My go-to lures for cats, typically a combination of two at a time, have been Terminator, Magnum Cat LDC, & Shadow Stalker. My go-to fox lures have been Ole Grey Master, Fox Cream, Terminator & Big 4. They absolutely will blow holes in the ground after them! I also used the Matrix XXX bait this year for the first time & had impressive results.
I wanted to let you know that part of my livelihood depends on my winter's take of fur, & when I pound a line in with your products, I can wake up everyday expecting consistent results!
Thanks again.....Kevin
Bill Crick of Carmichaels, Pennsylvania with an impressive Trophy 10 pt Buck taken in bow season. Bill likes our "Trophy Hunter" deer scent and has seen first hand that deer do respond well to a good buck scent product. Bill stopped in recently to pick up some more scent as the best part of the bow season is just around the corner as the rut proper will be coming soon. I think we will see more of Bill's success in the future.
I started trapping over 40 years ago. Over the years I have used a variety of lures made by most of the big names with varying success. For the last 10 years, I have primarily made and used my own lures and (at least personally) found them superior to anything on the market. I started using Jameson's Ultra Blend ADC Lures as part of my Pest Control Business a couple years ago and liked the results I was seeing with groundhogs, skunks and raccoons. For the 2014-2015 season I made the decision “NOT” to use my own lures and to utilize “Only” Jameson Lures on my trapline as well.
This season, Jameson's lures helped me pile-up fur on land and in the water. The results were consistent from early season temps in the 70’s and 80’s to the late season sloppy weather when temps stayed under 10 degrees. I ended the 2014-15 season with 2-Coyote, 167-fox, 43-Raccoons, 4-Skunks, 1-Opossum, 7-Beaver, 7-Mink and 14-Muskrats. I gotta say I am very impressed with these lures. High quality lures that really initiate the response I am looking for.
Regards, David H. Ziegler Sr,
Phillip Kirkland pictured from SW Kansas with a big cat taken on Magnum Cat LDC.
Pictured below is the first part of Mick Meyers 2008-09 seasons catch. Mick has over 130 skunk shown here and finished out the season with over 209 skunks in all.I can see why he is known as the "Kansas Skunk Man."
These Coons and Skunks were coaxed into my traps using Jameson's Fireball ADC and Urban Wildlife bait with no eye appeal.You know I dont use much either.
I have a sneaking suspicion that they wait in line to get into my cage traps.
The reason I say that is that I often see them leaving when I show up, but they always return so they can come hang out in the Skunkman's Skunk Den with their buddies.
The Coyotes fall prey to your "Mega Mouse and Shadow Stalker" lure used with a squirt of your premium Coyote Urine.
The Cats love the XXX Matrix predator bait.
Mick Meyer,
Jake Warner from Salina, Kansas with a dandy cat taken on XXX Matrix bait and Sierra Mist. Jake caught several cats this last season 2008-09. Good job. Jake
Hi Bob,
Above are a few pics I took this season. I thought I'd share with you. All these cats are caught using your products. Not sure how it works, but for the contest I think the one with my wife holding the big Tom cat LOL. I caught that with Shadow Stalker, Magnum Cat LDC, Terminator and your XXX Matrix bait at a big dirthole.The landowner was really impressed with it and I took 4 off his property.
Bill Beckman, Kansas
Joel Blakeslee of Nevada with a few prime cats taken with some of our products. Beautiful country Joel, thank you for your contribution to our testimonials.Nice walk thru set in the background. Ready for another visitor.
Dennis Sherman of south west Pa. with another trophy whitetail harvested with the help of our" Matrix X" Curiosity Buck Lure. Dennis is a regular user of our products and says they get the job done for him. This trophy was taken in the fall bow season 11/2008. Dennis puts alot of time in and hunts several states each season. Obviously he is an accomplished hunter and a good trapper as well. Dennis is also a very good taxidermist. If anyone needs his services he can be contacted thru our website.
Last year at the Pa. Trappers Convention I stopped by your stand while you were setting up. My son and two grandsons were with me ( three generations of trappers). I guess we were your first customers for the day. We were wanting to change lure and decided to use yours. We were previously using a New York lure. We have had a very successful season this past year with your products. Here is a picture of my son and me with most of our furs. Missing are 5 coyotes that went to the taxidermist. We also caught 6 Bob Cats. We only had permits for two and had to release the others. We took this collection on Fox Cream and Matrix. I also told a good friend of mine about our success with your lures and I think he will be wanting to try it also. Thanks for a great season.
Mike Kilcoyne
Picture Rocks, Pa.
Doug Bergman and son Dean with a nice winters catch of coon, fox and coyote 2008-09. Son Dean always looks so cool. I guess that is just something you are born with. :)
Bob here is a pile of fur taken on your products. 2005 season. Cats, otter, beaver, coyote, grey fox and coon. Not pictured are 90 coons. Thanks for such good products. Kevin Wells, MS
Rege Denne of Pa. January 2010 in Kansas, with nice days catch of cats on his cat line.Hard work, good lures and baits got the job done for Rege.
A truckload from one check of a Virginia water line. Jamesons "Ten Mile" beaver lure proved to be more than these beaver and otter could handle. Thanks for the great product Bob, it worked like a charm!
Winston, Jim, and Doug. February 2010
Here is a nice 250# Maine Black bear I got in a foot snare using your "Trail Mate" bear lure/trailing scent.
Steve Craig, Arizona
Mike Goetz and Jack DeLullo of Pa. with a good days catch on Jameson's Lures and Baits. These boys know how to run a good predator line.
Brandon Johnson and dad from Chardon, Ohio with their 2009-10 seasons catch.180 coon, 270 rats and 80 beaver taken on some of our lures.
Ken Hess, retired Pa. Game Commission WCO from Mechanicsburg Pa with variety catch of fox, coyote and coon. A few cats were taken also and released. All taken on our scent products in just a few days of trapping. Fox Cream and some home made bait made with your Max Force bait solution worked out well for Ken.
Bob, thanks for the great products. I had my best season ever this winter thanks to your lures and baits. I caught 24 coyote and 4 red fox on your Matrix Marking Scent. Thank you, Jonathan Flint, MO.
Bob, your products made my second year trapping coyotes a memorable one! Your XXX Matrix Bobcat bait worked excellent at dirt holes, as did Canines Choice at the bighole sets. I used your Prarie King and Shadow Stalker gland lures at T-Bone and blended flat sets that produced when the weather turned for the worse. Your Fox Cream also received a good workout as it produced fox and coyotes on my line. I'm certain anyone with ambition, fundamental knowledge, and time can use Jameson's products and deliver results.
Thanks again,
John Lay 82 coyotes , 8 red fox.
Mike Goetz with a nice seasons catch of fox and coyote 2016/2017
A personal best of 312 red fox, 50 + coon and Skunk in 40 checks. The majority of my sets were lured with Jameson's "Fox Cream” as my primary food lure and “Red Devil” as my gland lure. These lures gave me the results and response I look for in good lures Dave Ziegler, Pa. 2018 Season