The Houndsman Line
  Dog Training and Breaking Scents
Magnum Powered Wild Game Scents with a long lasting oily base.
Only Selelct 100% Authentic body and Glandular Excretions Used.
Professionally formulated training scents for the most discriminating dog man. These training scents will help to get those young hounds off on the right track. They may also be used to fire up those older seasoned hounds when needed. A great dog breaking scent also. Time released formula. Use less, lasts longer.
   Red fox - Grey Fox - Coyote - Bobcat - Rabbit - Pheasant -Whitetail Deer - Raccoon Scents
  4 oz. $15.00; 8 oz. $25.00; 16 oz. $35.00
Please select the type of scent needed with your order !
BC Sites Unlimited, 2005
Jameson's Ultra Blend
Call: 724.323.2000